Great place
Like other South Island brewers, we're lucky to have great malt and hops, grown by great people, right on our doorstep.
We use NZ Hops from Nelson and Gladfield Malt from Canterbury in all our beer because we want to celebrate our place. But also, we want to support our local economy and environment.
That support is really important right now, as local producers are bearing the brunt of global price hikes.
Doug Michael, Gladfield, explains:
As you are aware, there's a massive increase in grain prices right across the world. At the moment local wheat prices for delivery next year are trading 44% above this time last year and rising. That's on average a $200 per ton increase. Now I know malt is mostly made from barley but why would any farmer grow barley if they can make more money growing wheat! You guessed it, if we want growers to supply us with barley, we need to match similar price rises to secure supply contracts for next year’s barley crop.
And that is only half of the picture, we still haven’t added into the equation production costs in the manufacturing and packaging of malt. If we factor in all our increased costs including the raw material, then we are looking at adding well over $300 to the price of a ton of barley malt.
We will continue to hold malt prices until January 2023, but we strongly urge you to make the most of our goodwill over the next 6 months.
That goodwill, plus next-day delivery, is why we feel doubly lucky to buy local.
We hope you'll feel the same when the time comes for us to factor in our own price increases.
Enjoy now!
Paul & Karen